Instructor Contact Information

  • Instructor: Rich Becker
  • Office: TEC-203 (Bremerton)
  • Office Hours: 1530 – 1630 MTWTh or appointment
  • Phone: 360.475.7370 (office) 575.496.1557 (preferred)
  • Mail: Rich Becker (B&T), 1600 Chester Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337-1699
  • Skype ID: r2becker
  • Email:
    Note: Use the Canvas Inbox for course topics, do not send email. I generally provide a 1-day turnaround on Canvas messages. Do not send assignments to my Canvas Inbox or email address, they must be submitted through Canvas in the appropriate assignment location. Please note: I can only respond to email sent from your account - this is OC policy, and for your privacy.
  • Instructor: Amelia Garripoli
  • Office: TEC-210 (Bremerton)
  • Office Hours: Tue & Wed 1-1:45 (on-campus or online)
  • Office Phone: (360) 475-7588 (during OH)
  • Mail: Amelia Garripoli (B&T), 1600 Chester Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337-1699
  • Website:
  • Skype ID: (Prof. Garripoli,, Bremerton, WA)
  • Email:
    Send Course questions through the Canvas Inbox.
    Do not send assignments to my email or Canvas Inbox, they will not be accepted for grading. All assignments must be submitted through Canvas. I do not monitor email or Canvas during weekends, holidays, or breaks. Resend if you get no response from me within one business day during the term; your message may not have reached me.

Course Detail

  • Catalog description: Students work with faculty facilitator on individually-selected advanced-level project or goals that demonstrate mastery of program outcomes and relevant skills.Students will prepare formal written proposals detailing projector goal activities, and will refine their respective portfolios for professional presentation
  • Prerequisite:Acceptance into the BAS program.
  • Credits: 5 (ratio is 2 lecture hours to 6 lab hours)
  • Class dates: April 2 - June 12, 2018. School holiday: May 28 (Monday).
  • Class format: This is a hybrid class with on-ground activities.
    • Class: Tuesday 7-9 pm in weeks 1, 5, 10, and 11 (April 3, May 1, June 5, June 12). Attendance required.
  • Location: Class: BUS 106.
  • Technology required:Active OC Canvas account; campus lab access or a PC or MAC with sufficient capabilities and for installing and using course software; Internet access; Microsoft Word software.
  • Text Required: Material in class shell.
  • Resources: Lab and library resources will be provided.
  • Core Abilities: IS 490 meets the Core Abilities of Communication and Lifelong Learning.
  • Learning Outcomes:

    By the end of this course, students will be able to:

    • Evaluate personal strengths and preferences and formulate professional goals that align with this assessment.
    • Draft a personal career/educational pathway, and organize and refine the professional portfolio that will support such pathway.
    • Develop a plan and implement basic steps in establishing an effective networking/job search strategy.
    • Identify, develop and present a senior project proposal.
    • Prepare and deliver effective presentations.
    • Evaluate the success of the senior project and reflect on what was most effective and what was most challenging.
    • Examine and finalize professional portfolio that can be used for employment interviews and/or to support advanced academic pathways.


Visit the course Web site often for current assignments information, due dates, and messages.
The Grades section will show you the work you have submitted and the feedback for it.

See the Canvas Course or your Canvas Calendar for the current schedule of assignments.

All work is to be submitted on Canvas using posts in Discussions, submissions in Assignments, and by submitting Quizzes; these can be found directly in the "Assignment" section of the course Canvas site, or in module context using the "Module" link on the Canvas course navigation to access the modules for this course.

Deliverable Points Week Due
SMART Objectives 150 1
Weekly Journal entries 100 (10 each) 1-10
Weekly Progress Reports
and mentor meetings
50 (5 each) 1-10
Final Deliverables 150 10
Final Presentation 100 10-11
Final Report 150 11
Total 700

See the Canvas Course or your Canvas Calendar for the current schedule of assignments. Make progress each week to ensure timely completion of your work. If you wait to start the project, you may find it very difficult to complete it on time with sufficient depth and content.

Grading & Assignments

There are 700 possible points in this course. Refer to Canvas for specific points on each assignment.

Project Objectives—150 points

Students will develop at least four objectives for a significant project, to be completed in this term. These are to be submitted by Tuesday, April 11 in preparation for your first scheduled mentor session. These will be used to drive, track, and evaluate the finished project.

10 journal entries—10 points each for 100 points

Beginning in module 1 and continuing throughout the course, students will post reflective and ongoing journal entries that document their professional development. Journal entries will be shared on your blog and reviewed by the instructor as a means of providing dialogue that will help guide the student through his or her experiences. These are due each Saturday.

10 progress reports and mentor sessions—5 points each for 50 points

Students will prepare a written progress report and also spend 15-30 minutes each week with an instructor, reviewing their progress, issues they've hit, and their planned outcomes for their project. With a long, free-form goal of a large project, it is important to make regular, steady progress -- starting the project in the final week will not be sufficient. So, completing regular progress reports and mentor sessions that show the work is on target will be critical to ensuring your success. Prepare each report using the assignment description provided, prior to attending your weekly mentor session. Show up or Skype-in on time for your mentor session. If you need to reschedule a mentor session, recognize that our schedules will be fairly full with the class's mentor sessions so it will be difficult to reschedule. Mentor sessions must be held in the week they are for. Your progress report is due on Tuesday at noon, each week.

Final Project—150 points

Based on self-provided objectives, students will complete a significant project, to be shared with the class. The completed project is due June 12.

Final Presentation—100 points

Students will prepare an oral presentation that encapsulates and summarizes their project. Presentations will involve the entire class and additional interested faculty and OC students. All IS students will be in the audience for presenters. Presentations are due June 5 or 12.

Final Report—150 points

Students will reflect on their project relative to its initial objectives and prepare a report detailing the success or shortfall of their results.

Your grade for the class will be assigned by converting your total points to a percentage grade, by dividing them by 10. So if your total points was 630, your grade would be 90%, which is an A-, GPA 3.7 in our chart. If a student fails the course with a 0.0 or is assigned a NC, WP, or WF, the instructor must report a last attended date. The last attended date used in this course will be the date of the last submitted work accepted for grading.

Course evaluation scale:

LetterGradeQualitativeQuantitative (%)
A4.0Superior course outcomes96 – 100
A- 3.7 93 – 95
B+ 3.3 90 – 92
B 3.0 Exceeds acceptable course outcomes 87 – 89
B- 2.7 83 – 86
C+ 2.3 80 – 82
C 2.0 Acceptable course outcomes 77 – 79
C- 1.7 73 – 76
D+ 1.3 70 – 72
D 1.0 Minimum course outcomes 67 – 69
D- 0.7 63 – 66
F 0.0 Failure to meet course outcomes 62 and less
If a student fails the course with a 0.0 or is assigned a NC, WP, or WF, the instructor must report a last attended date. The last attended date used in this course will be the date of the last submitted work accepted for grading.

Points on work submitted on-time are posted as soon as possible, usually within 7 days of the due date; a bit more during exams or if my schedule gets impacted. Our goal is to give reasonable feedback to as many students as possible in the shortest time possible. If we have a larger than normal grading load, we will notify you of any delays in grading. See Policies for information on getting assistance, submitting work, academic honesty and more.

Monitor your course progress and see what you have submitted by clicking on "Grades" on the course navigation on the course website.

Rubrics are supplied for assignments in the course shell.

Expectations for Success

Please note the following guidelines and approaches to success in this course:

  • Contribute to the class by attending regularly and engaging in discussions.
  • Set up a plan and actively pursue each course milestone to ensure you complete your assignments on time.
  • Demonstrate a level of engagement through careful listening and attention to details and due dates.
  • Apply a professional level of communications throughout the course both verbally and in writing.
  • Adhere to proper spelling, grammar and punctuation as if communicating in a professional setting.
  • Stay current with course materials and observe, read, experiment, and otherwise absorb course content.
  • Take ownership for learning, and deliver quality products worthy of portfolio content.
  • Maintain access to sufficient equipment and internet bandwidth to complete course work.
  • Seek help immediately when problems or challenges arise.


  1. Ask for Help:

    First, if you need help, get help early and often - if you wait until it is a crisis, it will be too late.

    Here are some resources to get help in this class:

    • Contact me through Canvas or email for help - please give sufficient detail, including which assignment you are asking about and your issue.
    • Call, skype, or stop by during my office hours - hours and number stated above. I am available outside of the listed hours by arrangement as well, online or phone. Skype can be used if screenviews are needed.
    • Bring up any issues in your weekly mentor session.
    • Haselwood Library has LibGuides, an assortment of online CIS texts.
    • The Writing Center offers assistance with writing online and by appointment.
    • BUS-106 will be available during class time and also at other times. A schedule will be posted on the course Canvas site once it is available.

    If you need help outside of class material, there are a wide variety of resources available to you. See Campus Resources for assistance.

  2. Assignments:

    By taking this class, you are stating that you will be making appropriate time in your schedule to ensure success and have access to the resources required for this class. Research can be very time-intensive, so budget accordingly. Expect to spend 12-15 hours outside of class per week for every class credit to ensure success. If you usually take more time on coursework, be sure to allocate additional time. Start your research early and be proactive. Make regular progress on the research itself.

    1. Due dates: Assignments are due on time / date as noted in the Canvas classroom. Online postings are due by 11:59:00 pm of the due date. You can post assignments any time during the current module. Please do not wait until the last minute to post. All assignments are due by 11:59:00 pm of the due date listed for a given item using the appropriate drop box. No assignment will be accepted for grading after the last scheduled day of classes. See the late policy for grading on late work.
    2. Monitor Your Progress: You can monitor your progress by going to the Grades area in the Canvas classroom. Contact your instructor right away if you notice any discrepancies between an expected assignment grade and what is reported in the gradebook.
    3. Deliverables: You must do your own work; consultation with others is fine, but the end-products must be your work; don't copy the work of others, or have others to do your work. You will be asked to evaluate your peers' work in the final module.
    4. Attendance: Regular progress is strongly recommended for success in this class. The modules build on each other; you will not be able to succeed in this class by cramming in each module in an hour a week or by researching and writing a paper in the final week. Check in with the Canvas shell on a regular basis each week, and participate in all lab meetings. Material will be provided in labs that is not available in Canvas, and vice-versa. You are responsible for accessing and using all required resources provided, and doing so will be important to your success in this course.
    5. Submitting Work: Journal entries must be blog posts; Google and Wordpress both offer free blogging services. Your blog must be public, so you can submit the Web URL of each blog post to Canvas for your journal entry and progress report assignments. You do not have to use your real name or an existing google account on your blog if you do not wish to.
    6. All work must be submitted on Canvas. Ensure that all assignments are attached/deposited properly. It is your responsibility to ensure that all student submissions are in their proper place by their deadlines. Open a new browser window to check your submission, and do it early enough that you can resubmit before the due date if needed.

      Submissions submitted on time will be graded within one week of their due date, unless we have heavier than normal professional obligations, in which case you will be notified of the delay. Your grade will be based on the content, quality, accuracy, and timeliness of your assignment. Additional rubric detail is available in the course shell.

  3. Late Policy:

    Lab discussions and activities must be participated in at the time they occur. If you cannot attend a lab, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to determine an appropriate alternative activity and completion time for it.

    Progress reports and mentor sessions need to be completed in the week they are scheduled, as timely interaction is required to ensure steady progress on your research. Rescheduling must be agreed upon with your assigned instructor no later than 24 hours prior to your regular meeting time.

    Other work will only be accepted up to one week late, up to the last regular class meeting of the quarter. There is a 10% penalty for late work, prior to grading. Work over one week late will not be accepted for grading. No late work is accepted for grading after the last regular class meeting for the quarter, even if it is less than one week away.

    Any exceptions to this late policy must be agreed upon no later than one day prior to the due date; exceptions will only be made with verifiable proof of your inability to do so (for example, an accident report or emergency hospital admission), no exceptions.

    Late submissions will be graded at the instructor's discretion as time permits.

  4. Connectivity:

    Everyone experiences technical difficulties including the Canvas website, the K-20 network, your Internet service provider, or hardware issues. Have an alternate plan in the event of technical difficulties, and do not wait until the last minute to submit your work. Know where your local WiFi hotspots and computing resources are and be prepared to get to them to submit your work on time. There are labs on each Olympic College Campus. Please notify us immediately if the issue cannot be handled by your alternate plan (i.e., wide area power outages or Canvas outages).

  5. Etiquette/Netiquette:

    This is a college level class. It is expected that the instructor and the students will be tolerant of others' views, be respectful in dealing with others, and use standard professional English in their communications, both written and verbal. Swearing is not respectful. Remember that capitalization and exclamation points are considered yelling, and texting lingo is not professional. Any violations of this policy may result in lowering of an assignment grade or your overall course grade, reporting the violation to student services, or administrative withdrawal from the course. Ask first if you are not sure if your note is offensive, and respect the opinions of others. Refer to the applicable WAC on student conduct.

  6. Email: Netiquette applies to email text as well. Please follow these guidelines:
    1. Send course email through Canvas, not to my OC email. You will get faster turn-around, as Canvas takes priority during the term.
    2. Use an appropriate Subject line, change it if you are starting a new topic in a reply. If you send multiple replies before I respond, note that I may not see the earlier replies due to the way Canvas presents messages.
    3. I will respond to all Canvas messages within one school day during the term; on weekends, holidays, and breaks I am generally not checking messages and may not respond until the next school/contract day. If I have not answered your message within this timeframe, please re-send it and let me know as it may not have been received.
    4. Never assume email is private; others may be able to read or access your email, or it may be forwarded.
    5. If you do send email about the course to our addresses, we generally aim to respond within 2 school days to emails from addresses during the term; on evenings, weekends, holidays, and breaks we are generally not checking email.
    6. We cannot respond to student inquiries from email addresses. This is per OC policy. We can respond to all Canvas messages, and you can set Canvas up so it forwards messages to, and accepts replies from, your non-OC email.
  7. Academic Honesty:

    Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may lead to a failing assignment grade; failure in the course; and/or expulsion from the College. For more information refer to the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and facilitating academic dishonesty. Facilitating academic dishonesty includes providing your own work to someone else for their solution; do not put others in this situation, they cannot provide you with solutions, only guidance. Fabrication includes making up sources that do not exist; you must be able to produce all of your sources if requested.

    You are encouraged to work with one another to understand and discuss general concepts and approaches, but your work must be your own, and your writing must be in your own words. Except for group work, the assignments are to be completed individually, and as such you are expected to work on your own. I reserve the right to refuse to accept any assignment if you cannot demonstrate the ability to perform similar work when asked, if you cannot explain your answer or the approach that you have used, or if you cannot produce a source when requested. You need to develop and internalize the work yourself.

    This is particularly important with research -- whenever you use material from a source, that source must be immediately, properly cited and then a full reference supplied at the end of your paper/presentation. Please note: cut and paste of another's words is plagiarism. Quoting in a limited amount with a citation noted on the quote is permissible. Your words must be your own. Images must be appropriately sourced and cited as well.

  8. Recordings:

    All recordings provided for this course through Canvas are © Copyright Olympic College. If you have copied or downloaded any of the recordings, you must delete them once the term completes. Olympic College does not grant permission to retain recordings of class material. See the OC Copyright Policy.

  9. Internet Safety:

    It is your responsibility to be aware of the impact of your actions when using the internet, with respect to managing your privacy, using the information you access, and maintaining machine security. For more information on this topic, see Thinking about Online Safety.

  10. WAC Regulations:

    Please review Olympic College's WAC 132C regulations. The various WACs have been passed by the state of Washington and are Washington State law that govern the behavior of the administration, faculty, and students.

  11. Any failure to comply with these policies may result in lowering of an assignment grade, your course grade, or reporting to Student Services.


Olympic College provides equal opportunity in education, employment and college activities regardless of race, color, national origin, age, perceived or actual physical or mental disability, pregnancy, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, creed, religion, honorably discharged veteran or military status, use of a trained guide dog or service animal, or any other unlawful basis. If you witness or encounter any such discrimination, including any sexual misconduct, you are encouraged to report it to the Title IX Coordinator, Cheryl Nuñez (CSC 317A; 360-475-7125; or the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, David Slown, Executive Director for Human Resource Services at, who will assist you in connecting with all possible resources. You may also report it online (and anonymously) at Report It, OC! or seek confidential counseling from Counseling Services at 360-475-7530 or at HSS 203. See also

 Faith or Conscience Absences

Student Absences for Reasons of Faith or Conscience, OC Policy 300-03: Under this Policy, OC students may request absences from classes two (2) days per academic year for reasons of faith or conscience without adverse impact on their grades. A request for absence must be submitted 21 days in advance of the absence or as soon as reasonably possible. Find the required form “Student Absence Form: Reasons of Faith or Conscience” in order to request the absence. Upon verification of the absence, notify instructors so that they may develop adjustments for assignments and tests.


Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability or a medically necessary absence due to pregnancy or childbirth should contact the Access Services office in HSS 205, by email at or by phone at (360) 475-7540. More information may be found on the Access Services website. Access Services must be contacted at least two weeks before the accomodation is needed.

Please contact me via Canvas or see me during office hours concerning your accommodation request(s) after you have submitted them to Access Services, so I can meet your needs in class.

Note that about 10% of all OC students have some type of disability, often invisible (like PTSD or asperger syndrome). As instructors, we cannot disclose a student's disability. The decision to share with others is a choice of the student.


Your success is both your goal and our goal! This class gives you an opportunity to develop and practice professional skills. We are here to support your efforts. If you have a problem or situation that is affecting your schoolwork, please let us know. Olympic College has many services to help students be sucessful. You can contact us by Canvas, e-mail, voice mail, office hours, or talk to us right before or after class.

Welcome to IS 490, we look forward to seeing your projects. ~ Amelia & Rich.

Note: Syllabus content, course due dates and assignments may change at any time. Canvas will notify you of any changes during our course.